Ronix Wakeboards

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Step Two:
(Disclaimer: If you have no idea how to use any of the power tools in this article, I recommend you don't attempt this project. I assume most people are capable of using a drill, but the circular saws are dangerous-trust me from experience, cutting fingers off sucks.)
Here's where you get set up to cut. Set your circular saw at a 45 degree angle, and be ready to ruin a blade-you always tend to run into a stringer in these boards, and they're tough to cut through. (I always find some staples or little tack nails in boards too-I have no idea why they're there) Once you have your angle set, just put the saw on the line you drew and look at the blade's relationship to the edge of the board. You want the blade cutting through the board to where the angle will face down toward the water when riding, not up. The direction you cut through your board will make a difference in this-Measure twice, Cut once as they say. Once you have someone to hold your board, and have your protective eyewear on, fire up the saw and let er rip---it'll feel good trust me.

Cut the ends

Step Three:
Ok you've cut your board into little pieces-good for you, you're halfway done. Now you need to pull out an old fin and set it on your board, along the centerline that you drew. Make it to where the trailing end of the fin is about an inch from the end of the bottom of the board. Using the guide holes and the center fin hole make 3 marks to indicate where to drill the board. Take the drill, and make your holes-going only halfway through the board for the guide fins. Test fit and adjust the holes as necessary by applying pressure on the sides of holes with a spinning drill bit to make the fin sit in the holes straight.

Mark the fins

Step Four:
With the fin holes made, it's time to seal the ends of your board up. Take the dremel tool and remove some of the foam core from between the top and bottom sheets along the ends of the board. This will give the resin a channel to sit down into.

Dremel Tool
Once this is done, you will need to wrap the end of the board in packing tape extending about an inch from the tallest part of the board end, when standing straight up. This makes a pocket for the resin to harden in. Now take the board and find a steady place that you can lean it to pour the resin.
Tape The Ends

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