Ronix Wakeboards

Wakeboarding News

McLinDigital - The Book - Getting Started - DVD

McLinDigital - The Book - Getting Started - DVD

PJ and his coaches at The Wakeboard Camp have put together the most thorough DVD instructional series to date. The series is structured to show viewers the genetics of each trick, how it builds and breaks down, and the relationships of tricks between the base trick and the goal trick.


This DVD is designed to give newcomers to the sport of wakeboarding all of the information they need to get started. It also gives seasoned riders more info about their equipment so they can better understand how it works on the water. Knowing how the equipment functions is a big part of progression and it will also give you the tools to help you purchase the ideal setup for your style of riding.

After the equipment section, we will take you through boat driving, boating safety and getting ready to ride. To finish up, you will learn the basics of getting up and riding your board behind the boat.

DVD Chapters: Intro, Equipment, Boating, Getting Ready to Ride, Getting Up, Riding Positions, Edging, Edging Positions, Types of Edges

Buy Now - McLinDigital - The Book - Getting Started - DVDBuy the McLinDigital - The Book - Getting Started - DVD Now At Boardstop



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