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Greg Nelson Interview
Greg Nelson has long been one of the biggest contributors to the sport of wakeboarding. As one of the first pro wakeboarders, he pushed the spinning and grabbing aspect of the sport more then anyone else, and it's questionable whether anyone can ride as smooth as Nelly. He didn't rest there, and has continued to influence and push the sport by running his own board company, DoubleUP Wakeboards. recently talked to Nelson about the past, his riding, and the future of DoubleUP Wakeboards.

1. Greg, you recently finished up on another season of the DoubleUP Experience. How did this year's Experience go?

GN: Except for losing Corey and going through the worst week of my life, the Experience went pretty darn well. You have to find the good in those situations and in this case having Collin and his girlfriend Jen hop on board to help out was very cool. I had a blast with Rich, Luke, Collin and Jen, and the team is a lot closer now too. I have a bunch of good memories to help out with such a loss, Corey would have been pissed if we had not finished that tour in the fashion we did.

2. The DoubleUP Experience was the first nationwide tour/clinic/demo done by any board company, and now almost every board company has a similar traveling tour. What do you think about that?

GN: I think that's sweet. It is a great way for wakeboarders to promote the sport and their sponsors and it keeps us on the water. In the past, a pro has had to spend time and money travelling to compete, which isn't all that fun. The RV lifestyle is relaxing and it's the best way to see the country, going from lake to river to private lake. I'm looking forward to next summer already.

3. Do you end up getting to ride much yourself while on the Experience?

GN: Yeah, I get to ride a lot, but it's that kind of demo or show off riding as opposed to learning a trick and taking ten crashes to get it. Knowing that, we definitely take advantage of those off days and try and pack in the learning then. As long as I'm riding I'm OK.

4. Speaking of riding, how much do you still ride? I know a lot of people who wish you were still appearing in more videos because they love watching you ride.

GN: I still ride a bunch. After three years of the tour however, my mind set has changed for next summer. The past three years have been focused on doing a good tour and working hard for my sponsors. My mind set is now back to kicking ass and learning a bunch of new stuff. I'm getting a Super Sport next summer and the work load has been reduced, giving myself and the team more time to ride together and push each other. Simply riding with Luke and Collin should help anyone, but I'm stoked on my mind set going into next spring.

Oh yeah, We are releasing a DoubleUP Experience Movie in November, so you can see me ride in that.

5. Very nice. Are you still trying to progress and learn new tricks? If so, what have you been working on or recently learned?

GN: Of course, near the end of the summer, Corey beamed down into me and I finally figured out the whole off-axis thing. I got pretty consistent with the 720 and I can do it off the wake too. It sucks, the off axis 7s are way more consistent then on-axis ones. I have a bunch of ideas for new tricks for next summer.

6. What's in store for the 2001 DoubleUP product line and DoubleUP Experience?

GN: I'm really excited about my new boards, the 138 & 141 and the Pure Ride Finless 139. These boards are the next in progression for the DoubleUP shapes and I'm super stoked on the way they ride. Also we have a new base plate, fiberglass injection molded, like a snowboard biding. It is stiffer, lighter and cooler because we can do crazy colors and have logos embossed in the plate. The new foot-bed is super cush. I can't wait to pull my stuff for next summer.

The DoubleUP Experience is changing a little for 2001. It will be more of a DoubleUP Appreciation tour, stoking out our best customers instead of towing the public all day long. The Experience is going to be a way for the DoubleUP Team to ride together, film, take photos, etc. Correct Craft is our biggest supporter and I have to say thanks to them for allowing us to do The Experience.

7. Do you usually just ride your model board of the same size all the time, or do you jump from shape to shape and size to size?

GN: Right now I'm riding my 138 mostly. I'm looking forward to the Pure Ride 139 too. In the past I've enjoyed jumping from Collin's 143 to my 140 and then occasionally to Collin's 137. It's cool to be able to do that.

8. In the last year DoubleUP has moved forward on a couple of business fronts by acquiring Hardline Ropes and Handles. What were the reasons for making those moves?

GN: The reason behind that move was to increase DoubleUP's product line, but more importantly to bring hard working, good people into our company. Both Mike and Markham are great guys and they bring a strong work ethic to DoubleUP. Both have also spent more time in Florida then me and bring a following from down there that DoubleUP has never had before. Markham is heading up DUs customer service and Mike is in charge of the Hardline production as well as DUs Product Line. I can get ropes and handles pretty easily now too. Sweet.

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