Ronix Wakeboards

Wakeboarding News
Collin Wright Chat Transcript
We recently had a live chat with Serum rider and manager Collin Wright. chat system hosted the chat and logged the transcript.

[17:33] <Chris> Collin ?

[17:33] <collin> yes

[17:33] <Chris> welcome

[17:33] <collin> thanks

[17:33] <Pat> alright, Collin is here.

[17:33] <collin> you know it

[17:34] <Chris> collin, how you like that new serum board ?

[17:34] <Pat> Okay, if you have a question for Collin, private message Pat or Chris

[17:34] <collin> The new board is tight, I just started riding it three weeks ago

[17:34] <Pat> we'll ask and he can then respond.

[17:35] <Chris> I gave it a rip, and i really liked it

[17:35] <Pat> Tell us a little about the shape Collin

[17:35] <collin> it has mad pop at the top of the wake and the moled fins help it track really tight

[17:35] <Chris> made a smooth transition from your 143 model

[17:35] <collin> the shape is more of a tradional twin tip with squared ends

[17:35] <Chris> yeah, did you ride finned or finless ?

[17:36] <collin> the tip shape makes the board ride a little bigger, so it is like a143 that i used to ride

[17:36] <Chris> right on

[17:36] <collin> i rode small 1 in fins for the first few sets then i am now riding finless

[17:36] <Pat> cool, what do you plan to change for your pro model coming out late summer?

[17:36] <Chris> nice. i rode it with a 1.25 and really liked it

[17:36] <collin> did i say sets, i must have been in fl to long i meant some runs

[17:37] <collin> my pro model will be a more progressive tip shape with lots of rocker and in two sizes a 140 and a 134

[17:37] <Chris> collin, where you at these days ?

[17:37] <Chris> I'm looking forward to your pro model collin

[17:38] <collin> i am living in portland oregon just lovin it, it's the best sk8 sno and wake

[17:38] <collin> i just go to fl if i really get the itch to ride for a week or two you know


[17:38] <Chris> collin, what are the temps out there in fl ?

[17:39] <collin> when iwas there for two weeks in mid feb it was cloudy and brezzey but in the low 70's

[17:39] <Pat> Definitely. Tyler_H would like to know if you think that wakeboarding is somewhat stagnant, or if it can grow to the level of snowboarding?

[17:39] <collin> it worked for feb no compliants

[17:40] <collin> I think wakeboarding is about to blow up and it is going to be more insane then the snow stuff, phat rail and video games ahead only mean more promotion for the sport

[17:40] <collin> we will start catchin snow in no time

[17:40] <Chris> Are you going to be workin with Jobe in Current ?

[17:41] <Chris> Collin, Slim would like to know "I'm working on Inverts, riding switch, and TS jumps. What is the best way for me to work on all 3 besides a trampoline"

[17:41] <collin> yes i will have a smallpart in his first release then some larger parts as we go. i am also giving him my extra footage

[17:41] <collin> just think it through in your head, if you can see yourself doing it you can do it on the water. visualize!!!

[17:41] <Pat> Mother_G would like to know what was your big break to start your pro career?

[17:42] <collin> Meeting Greg nelson and being on the double up team back in the start up days

[17:42] <collin> i got alot of coverage out of those years

[17:42] <Pat> Cool, Dan would like to what snowboarding tricks you work on to help your wakeboarding?

[17:44] <collin> i am working on gettin clean backside 900's with grabs down on the snow and switch 900

[17:44] <Pat> impressive!

[17:44] <Chris> damn!

[17:44] <collin> thanks

[17:44] <Pat> A couple of people would like to know what you do in your spare time besides boardsports.

[17:44] <Chris> Liquid would "like to know if collin ever goes to owc in orlando and what he thinks of it"

[17:45] <collin> spare time i work on editing videos and sk8 alot and snowboard

[17:45] <collin> owc is good concept sliders and access without a boat is rad

[17:45] <collin> the guy running the owc sucks though

[17:45] <Chris> hahah

[17:45] <Pat> Joey would like to know if you plan on making any stops on the pro tour?

[17:46] <collin> i am going to check the first one out, they claim it is different and the 1st one is all sliders so i am down to spot check it

[17:46] <Pat> cool

[17:46] <Pat> speaking of which, are you going to Koppert Lake this weekend?

[17:46] <collin> no

[17:46] <collin> it is two cold up there

[17:46] <collin> my crew woun't roll with me

[17:47] <Pat> it is a bit cold up here right now.

[17:47] <Pat> Evan wants to know where he can get your video?

[17:47] <collin> yea but koppert is colder then anywhere it is on the verge of fressing

[17:47] <collin> call me and order them dirrect mon through fri on my buss line 503 233 1251

[17:48] <Pat> Brian would like to know what's easier on the snow, spinning frontside or backside?

[17:48] <collin> i think it is eaiser to spin frontside small and backside big

[17:49] <Pat> Tyler would like to know if you think wakeboarding will stay an elitist sport requiring an expensive boat, or if cable parks, sliders, and wakeskating will help the masses start doing it?

[17:50] <collin> i think there is so much of a need to get a way from the expensive scene

[17:50] <Chris> Liquid would like to know if you've ever been kiteboarding ?

[17:50] <collin> we need to help grow the getto fab

[17:50] <collin> i think it will gro give it time and the whaler s will trake over

[17:50] <collin> no kite yet but i will try it sometime

[17:51] <Pat> wkebrd3 would like to know who you think will win the Pro Tour?

[17:51] <collin> parks will win

[17:51] <collin> maybe chad

[17:51] <Pat> Mother_G would like to know what it's like to do your favorite thing as a career?

[17:51] <collin> chad is crazy and parks dosen't know anything but wakeboarding

[17:52] <Chris> Liquid wants to know what your wakeskate of choice is

[17:52] <collin> it is the best, I love riding boards and to do it as a living is the greatest, i love and am thankful for it all the time

[17:53] <collin> my wakeskate of choice is the one i am designing for serum, but until i get it i will ride teh hype brian grubb model

[17:54] <collin> i have a question how many women areon this chat

[17:54] <Chris> will the serum skate be wood or a composite board ?

[17:54] <collin> wood, maybe some composite in the future but mostly wood boards for now

[17:54] <Pat> It looks like we had two earlier who have now left.

[17:54] <Chris> Zee is at my house right now , heh

[17:55] <collin> icool

[17:55] <collin> how is zee?

[17:55] <Pat> Brian would like to know what your snowboard setup is?

[17:55] <Pat> Board, bindings, boots, stance, etc.

[17:55] <Chris> Zees doin good, just made me a nice quesadilla

[17:56] <Chris> collin, the delta has been NICE lately, and its warmin up, come back to your stomping ground.

[17:56] <collin> snow set up, jamie lynn 160 lib tech, nice fonzy binding, northwave kevin jones boots, billabong clothes that are dope yo, and a 23 in stance, 15 degrres in front and negative 6 in back\

[17:56] <collin> i am coming back to delta soon, april

[17:57] <Chris> collin, with jobe ?

[17:57] <collin> some time with jobe maybe then or may

[17:57] <Pat> wkebrd3 wants to know if you will be at the release party for Parks' new board?

[17:57] <Chris> right on.

[17:57] <collin> for sure

[17:58] <collin> when is the release party and where?

[17:58] <Chris> heh, what is his new board ? anyone got a link ?

[17:58] <Chris> Liquid wants to know the craziest slider you've ever hit

[17:59] <collin> the craziest slider ever would have to be some skate board hand rails, most wake rails aren't very scary

[17:59] <collin> like a six stair rail

[18:00] <Pat> hehe, so you're saying cement is harder then water?

[18:00] <collin> ah yea

[18:00] <Chris> Zee, (the only chick here) wants to know if you've ever hit that slider at stampede ?

[18:00] <Pat> Slim wants to know what the hardest trick you can do is, and which trick is your favorite?

[18:00] <collin> it tends to break bones

[18:00] <collin> no stamped rail

[18:01] <collin> hardest trick i can do is a switch mute to switch backside 360 tail grab

[18:01] <collin> most fun trick is tail backside 180

[18:01] <collin> or anything really wake is cool and wakeboarding is cool

[18:02] <Pat> wkebrd3 wants to know if being a pro helps bring in the ladies?

[18:02] <collin> just cause it isn't a 7 or 9 doesn't mean itisn't hard guys

[18:02] <collin> not really i have a girl friend and we have been together for 3 and 1/2 years so i don't get othere girls

[18:03] <collin> but it works for other rider if you want it too

[18:03] <collin> i can do some 7 and 9 shit that is hard too

[18:03] <Pat> What percentage of time do you spend wakeskating?

[18:04] <collin> percent of my water time like 25 maybe, i want to have it slowy take over my riding though

[18:04] <Pat> What kind of wakeskate tricks are you doing?

[18:04] <collin> i try to keep my wakesk8 ing in the dark for now

[18:05] <collin> i am doing 180 and 360 and flat land tricks and slidedrs what wever they all do

[18:05] <collin> look for my part in2 nd serum video out sept

[18:05] <Chris> collin, is serum gunna start throwing out some bindings or what ?

[18:05] <collin> no i am riding for nice

[18:06] <Pat> cool. aaronhale wants to know if you focus more on wakeboarding or snowboarding?

[18:06] <collin> we dont want ot step to binding right now

[18:06] <collin> boards are enoug for us plus wakesk8

[18:06] <Chris> whic model, scarecrows ?

[18:06] <collin> no the vice

[18:06] <collin> vice is the goods

[18:06] <collin> wake

[18:07] <collin> i have been snow since 14 so it is second nature learning new stuff on snow isn't hat hard for me

[18:07] <Pat> Slim wants to know what boat which boat you think throws out the best wake?

[18:07] <collin> i just go do it i have to focus on wake anddesigns and everthing it is a job

[18:07] <collin> the natique

[18:07] <Chris> collin, do you like robins' super ?

[18:07] <collin> yes

[18:08] <Chris> that thing is sick

[18:08] <collin> i like all supers

[18:08] <collin> you know it

[18:08] <Pat> liquid1 wants to know what your worst crash ever was?

[18:09] <collin> on water it was ah hooking front edge on a switch 7 and having to swim to the top for air, that really scard me, we started wearing vests shortly after

[18:09] <Chris> ouchie

[18:09] <Pat> smart move

[18:10] <collin> wear a cga

[18:10] <Pat> aaronhale would like to know if any particular wakeboarders inspire you?

[18:10] <collin> randal, nelly, gar wright, chad sharpe, parks

[18:10] <collin> everone inspires me to be honest

[18:10] <Pat> and why?

[18:10] <collin> pat inspired me last

[18:10] <collin> summer

[18:11] <Pat> haven't seen falls like that in a while?

[18:11] <collin> why because it is all different and sick you know chad and parks are just nuts and others haveing a good time inspire me

[18:11] <Chris> fat man fall hard

[18:11] <collin> yea right pat is sick

[18:11] <collin> just riding with new people is cool see how they do it, how they warm up

[18:12] <Chris> agreed.

[18:12] <collin> i ride a lot a need new inspioeration not old played out inspirtanion

[18:13] <Pat> Preston would like to know what sort of style characteristics set riders apart?

[18:13] <Chris> HE'S LEAVING IN 5 MINS, ASK AWAY

[18:13] <collin> ijust mest up and cut someone off

[18:13] <collin> grabing right and shorts

[18:14] <collin> iw as going to give them my email address who just emailed me

[18:15] <Pat> aaronhale would like to know how you ride when you freeride. Do you try new tricks constantly, or work on refining old ones and adding style?

[18:16] <collin> just depends on the mode of the day, i like to get something new or different every run though, it might be a grab spin aor easy but something i haven tdone before

[18:16] <collin> adding style is always my goal

[18:16] <Pat> Cool...well, that about wraps it up. Collin has to get going everyone. Thanks for your questions.

[18:16] <collin> thanks everyone and catch ya this summer

[18:16] <collin> serum is on be on the look out

[18:17] <collin> gotta eat with mom and dad tonight so got to bounce any last ques

[18:17] <Pat> We'll now open up chat so anyone can post messages to the main window

[18:17] <collin> later

[18:17] <Pat> Thanks Collin.

[18:17] <collin> later crew

[18:17] <collin> no worries pat

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