Ronix Wakeboards

Wakeboarding News
Ongoza - Moving Together in the Same Direction
Ongoza is a social network for the boarding culture (surfers, snowboarders, skaters, wakerboards, etc.). It’s a place to meet and interact with the riders, organizations and companies that make up the boarding industry.

That being said it’s the Ongoza Project that makes it entirely different that “just another social network” site. The purpose is to create a more informed and interactive boarding community and work closely with the charities, organizations and individuals whose primary goal is to make a difference in the lives of others who may not have the opportunities that most of us take for granted. (This could be something as simple as being lucky enough to own a skateboard, snowboard, surfboard, etc.).

With the ‘myspace’ idea in mind, the team behind Ongoza decided to create a place for the boarding industry to come together, organize itself and grow.

“We want to promote every aspect of the boarding lifestyle, not just the sports themselves but the people behind them; the riders, the artists, the filmers and photographers, the musicians, the company owners and everyone else involved. We want to draw upon the resources of our site and and its members to – together – accomplish great things in the boarding world and leave a legacy of dreams realized and lives changed”, says Craig Jackson, one of the originators behind Ongoza.

You can visit the “MySpace” of the boarding world at

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